Winebar - whisky counter - barista and espresso trailer
With the standard features the rausschwärmer is ready to be used as mobile winebar, streetfood trailer, info point, trade stand and many more things. In addition there are options to upgrade the trailer even further and personalise it for your own needs.
There is for example the elegant “Barfly”, a detachable counter for the right side of the trailer. It is made from stainless steel and aluminium and easy to keep clean. Right beneath this you can have another shiny stainless steel option. This plate covering the fender of the trailer gives your customers the option to put down glasses, bottles or other goods. It’s called “De-Fender”. The next great possible feature is a beautiful cover (“Shopifly”) for the left fold out wing of the trailer. It converts the part of the vehicle which is usually referred as the bed into another sales and representation area. Inside of your trendy wine bar you can have some very functional glass racks. They are called “Orbis-Wine”. The lager shelve above the couch (“Navis”) offers some more room for storing and presenting all kind of goods, tools and equipment. Most of these accessories can be seen here.